Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gaining Back The Momentum

Start it now or a year later on this day you will be regretting and wondering why the h*%l you never did.’ Unknown Author

Hey buddy! I guess by now you must be wondering why all no posts all this time. Let’s just say I caught the bug. The “life is a drag bug.”

There I was again. It was one of those hopeless Saturday afternoon. Yup, my mid-month crisis couldn’t get any worse than that besides the ever echoing, unpleasant and unmet responsibilities which have now turned into what I would refer to as stress. Stress my friend, well that’s how I describe it in the simplest terms I can come up with. Here it goes; stress is the result of not meeting responsibilities or obligations which you at an earlier time promised yourself you were going to take care of. To add salt to the injury you can’t stop thinking of the consequences of doing nothing about them. Ok, back to the story now, life seemed a drag and time was moving really slow. Not that I wanted it to move any faster. I was anxious, a little beaten down, at unease, procrastinating on everything so much that I procrastinate on having some fun for myself. Going out to hang out with some buddies, playing some team sports or anything social was not appealing at all. This is where some of the best juices in life are found.

It’s at times like this when it feels as if nothing matters besides that voice that keeps nagging me to do something with my time. But I can’t seem to get exactly what it is and why should I be doing it. I can’t seem to get anywhere. I do not have any scientific explanation to what am about to share with you besides that the world has its ways of turning things around. Of course with human input required too. At times you don’t really have to start planning and mapping things out in your head before you start to undertake each task or whatever it is that you want to do to get the ball moving. I’m going to give you an example by referring to your first driving experience as a leaner that is. How did u get that car moving? Was there any major mental preparation?? No!! What exactly would you visualise if you have never been in the driver’s seat? It was just a matter of getting yourself together and there you were in the driving the driver seat having trouble in getting all systems to run in unison. Changing gears, clutch, brakes, keeping your eyes on the road and such. All that trouble every learner goes through. It’s only until the point where you get in the car seat that the learning process begins. You know what happens when you floor the gas, jam the breaks and so forth. In no time wala! You my friends are a driver. Imagine you waited until you thought you were ready for the thrill and scare.

So as the hours dragged on, I remembered I had promised some old friends I would pay them a friendly visit at the basketball court. Fitness freaks! At the basketball court, everybody was running about chasing the rubber ball and throwing it around like they were still in primary school. The weather was perfect. A cool evening breeze was blowing the trees back and forth and in no time I found myself walking about bouncing the ball with one hand. Took one shot at the hoop and in no time I found myself having some serious fun scoring myself some hoops. I just couldn’t stop myself after that.

Came back home and wow! What a feeling! That’s a good feeling, one down, more to go. I think I just did my exercise and I was feeling a little more refreshed and energetic. All systems running smoothly. This was the feeling. A feeling of having done something that felt even more rewarding and motivating me to do even some more.

Soon I was off the shower and miraculously back on my guitar practice session with so much enthusiasm. Good begets good. And therefore good actions beget more good actions and of course the rewards soon follow. At 1200 am the guitar didn’t seem like the best thing to work on considering there was my favourite sitcom on TV and the bed looked even more attractive than ever. However this time around I picked up the guitar like a real inspired learner and practice was in session. I was even happier at myself for having ruled the practice out of my to-do list for the day. As late as it was I still felt like more could be extracted from me and so I penned this piece writing down as time was just perfect. The world dead asleep.

Well my friend, all am saying is every now and then we will always have different kinds of obstacles thrown our way. At times these obstacles make it seem impossible to move towards achieving our goals. You try your best hard but you don’t seem to be making any progress, slowed down, circumstances getting the best of you and of course being able to come up with some really creative excuses of why we can’t achieve anything. This is a very common practice amongst a lot of us. Let’s kick the habit. Well, I will tell you this GO OUT! Go out there, DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Try a new sport, make some new friends and engage yourself in activities that you usually don’t do. That should recharge your batteries with some new life ready to once again tackle anything that comes your way.

At the times that you feel at your best it’s important to reflect on your long term goals to keep you in check and align your activities towards reaching your ultimate goal. Thinking of your goals will remind you of what you should do with your time to get closer to your dreams. If this doesn’t work you can simply switch to focusing on those smaller tasks that can be achieved at ease. It is achieving these smaller tasks that you realise how closer you could actually get in realising your dreams. It is also in doing these smaller tasks that you get to evaluate your progress, identify weaknesses and strength and be in a better position to make informed decisions on constant improvement.

Well then, what are you waiting for? Go and do what you have to do in order to be what you want to be!

See you on the other side.


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